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Al Qaeda, “If Japan Dispatches Its Troops, We Will Attack Tokyo”

Al Qaeda, “If Japan Dispatches Its Troops, We Will Attack Tokyo”

Posted November. 17, 2003 22:54,   


Al Majala, a Saudi Arabian weekly magazine published in the U.K., reported on November 16 that the international terrorist group Al Qaeda warned that it would attack the center of Tokyo if Japan joins the U.S.-led coalition forces.

According to Al Majala, Abu Mohamed Al Abraji -- who is suspected as an Al-Qaeda cell -- sent an e-mail that warned, “Dispatch troops if you want your economy to collapse and your forces to be killed by Allah’s soldiers.”

However, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda threw doubt on the credibility of the report, saying, “I’ve heard these kinds of threats several times after the September 11 terrorist attacks, but they are not worth consideration.”

Al Majala also reported that Al Qaeda asserted by e-mail that it had attacked Italian forces in the city of Nasiriya last week.

Another Saudi Arabian newspaper, Al Quds Al-Arabi, reported that Al Qaeda declared by e-mail that it was responsible for the Istanbul terrorist attack.

Hun-Joo Cho hanscho@donga.com