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No More Sanctuary in Golf

Posted February. 09, 2003 22:32,   


Michelle Wie, a promising Korean-American golfer of 13 years of age, passed the cutoff line in a men`s competition.

In the second round of the Pearl Open Golf Tournament (Total prize: $80,000) held yesterday in Pearl Country Club in Honolulu, Hawaii. Wie is the youngest female golfer among the 193 participants. She recorded one over-par with 3 birdies and 4 bogeys. Thus, in total, she recorded 3 over-par and 147. Last year, she failed to pass the cutoff with 10 over-par. This year, she ranked 44th, and secured a ticket to the third round, which is given to the 91st ranker.

Michelle`s father Byung W. Wie, who is a professor at Hawaii University, said proudly, "She is the youngest. But, for the first time, she passed the cutoff line in a men`s tournament. I feel good about it."

Michelle, who is well known for her powerful play putting her even on a plane with other male counterparts, had a hard time in the strong wind. Only 42% of her iron shots landed on the green. But she could cut down on the score with 25 putts. Stung by a bee in her left leg in the previous day`s round, Michelle said, "I passed the cutoff. Thus, I won fifty bucks. Dad and I bet on it. If I rank within top 20, I will win 300 bucks more. I will get it."

The Pearl Open Golf Tournament has a 25-year history, and is sponsored by Honda. Half of the participant golfers are Japanese pro golfers.

Jong-Seok Kim kjs0123@donga.com