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"Self-centered US", Antagonistic Europeans

Posted July. 30, 2002 22:47,   


On 30th July, U.S. Council on Foreign Relation (CFR), Inc. has come to a conclusion after extensive public opinion poll conducted in 23 countries across the globe. The conclusion is that the level of anti-Americanism has reached a dangerous level.

Ame0rican Institute of Public Opinion or Gallup poll has conducted a survey in nine Islamic countries in February. Zogby poll conducted in ten countries in April. Pew Research Center conducted in four European countries in last December. Each of the poll organizations has conducted survey on image of U.S. and their diplomatic policies.

According to Gallup poll’s survey result, 53% of the ten thousand survey subjects in Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia have answered negatively against U.S. On question of justification on U.S. military activities in Afghanistan, more than half in Turkey, 67% in Kuwait, more than 80% in Pakistan and Indonesia has answered that it can’t be justified.

Especially, reactions by the key U.S. allied European countries are abnormal. 85% German, 80% French, 73% British, 68% Italian survey subjects have answered that U.S. is conducting their war on terrorism to their own benefit without consideration for allied nations’ needs.

The taskforce team in CFR has concluded that this globally spreading anti-Americanism is more than a plain jealousy against superpowers. The taskforce has submitted a recommendation with the utilization of PR experts.

Seven items of this recommendation are foundation of a supervisory organization for public diplomacy, prioritizing the public diplomacy as the key section in the State Department, increase of public diplomacy budget, guaranteed foreign media excess on senior U.S. dignitaries, specific promotion plan for foreign diplomatic policies and other specific details.

For example, to improve U.S. image in Arab countries, publicizing the fallen Arab ethnic Americans victims and heroic firemen of September 11th incident, successful Arab ethnic sport stars and financial figures by media coverage and Internet promotions.

There are also disagreements. On July 30th, New York Times has expressed doubts about whether promotions can assist globally dislike diplomatic policies. They point out those misguided or deluded U.S. diplomatic policies such as withdrawal of Kyoto Protocol on global warming, rejection of International Land mine Bane and International Criminal Court should be reconsidered rather than promoting it.

Eun-Taek Hong euntack@donga.com