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Warning of a New Worm Virus ‘ChiHack’

Posted July. 30, 2002 22:43,   


At 30th of July, Ahnlab (www.ahnlab.com) announced that new worm virus called ‘ChiHack’ (Win32 /ChiHack.worm.10748) that deletes MS Office files such as MS Words at the first of every month has landed in Korea.

The contaminated mail is titled ‘∼ is coming!’ with attachment of ‘pp.exe(10,748 bite)’. Even reading the file, the virus spreads over. Therefore it should be deleted as soon as possible. ‘ChiHack’ spreads in combined form with worm like Nimda and is classified as 2nd grade danger because it destroys *.doc *.xls *.adc *.db files in drive of networks. It also forces the system speed down by making number of *eml files in local or networks. The virus spreads over through outlook not having safety patch or outlook mails, and it send mails to the receivers whose mail addresses are on the mailing list. Ahnlab announced, “We received 3 reports on ‘ChiHack’ at 29th night and updated V3 engine immediately.” and added, “The only curative vaccine is V3.”

Chang-Won Kim changkim@donga.com