Posted June. 23, 2002 12:25,
According to the report of AFP Communication with the quote of the draft of resolution, fifteen member countries of European Union had a summit conference in a city of south Spain, Sevilla, and agreed that the member countries take appropriate measure against the countries not cooperating for restriction of illegal emigration, but will not restrict economic aids. At the beginning, EU had a policy to reduce economic aids for the poor countries in Africa and Middle East that don’t cooperate to EU’s policy to prevent illegal immigration
▽ Common restriction of illegal immigration = According to the draft of the resolution “ (to restrict illegal immigration) if existing system doesn’t operate successfully, EU will take a measure against the country that doesn’t cooperate with the policy with they unanimous consent of the members” and agreed with “the measure will be applied to normal diplomatic and security policy, but not to the economic development aids policy”.
AP Communication reported that the members also agreed to revise different immigration regulations from country to country, and prepare common guideline. Mr. Josep Pique, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain of the order country, said “EU will discuss to reward to the country cooperating with the restriction policy of illegal immigration.”
In the meeting Spain UK Italy and Denmark advocated the reduction of economic aids, on the other hand, France Belgium Sweden Austria and Luxembourg was against the reduction with the opinion that the reduction of the economic aids will make the countries poorer and manipulate illegal immigration more”. Therefore the meeting didn’t get an agreed result.
▽ Active extension of EU = The members re-confirmed the decision to accept 10 countries in Eastern Europe and Mediterranean by the middle of 2004, and compromise the candidate countries until the end of this year. The Each member country will aid agricultural grants of 40 billion Euros from 2002 to 2006 to the candidate countries. The purpose of the aids is to minimize the shock resulted by the opening of the candidates’ markets.
▽Vehicle bomb terrorism and protest demonstration = at 21st of June when the summit meeting opened, 6 people were wounded due to vehicle bomb terrorism in Puenhiolla, a resort city of Mediterranean and another vehicle bomb terrorism occurred in Marbella near but no wounded. Spain reinforced security with 10 thousand policemen.
460 African who want to immigrate has had a sit-down demonstration against the restriction policy of illegal immigration from 10th of June in a university outskirt of Sevilla.