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`Do Not Abuse the Decision of Kwangju for Political Gain`

`Do Not Abuse the Decision of Kwangju for Political Gain`

Posted June. 01, 2002 08:43,   


`The Social Alliance Congress of Kwangju and South Jeolla Province,` which encompasses civic groups in Kwnagju region issued a statement titled, `Roh Wind should not come to Kwangju and South Jeolla Province,` and claimed, `Presidential nominee of the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) Roh Moo-Hyun should not support an MDP candidate of Kwangju with visits to Kwangju and South Jeolla region during the local elections.`

According to the statement, `the visit of candidate Roh is interfering with the autonomous decision right of citizens and local residents of Kwangju and South Jeolla Province,` and pointed out, `It should be reminded that Roh Wind is not made out of the MDP law makers in the region, but was a fruit of cultivated hope of local residents who are fed up with various irregularities.`

`The Reform Alliance of Kwangju and South Jeolla Province` also claimed in a separate statement issued, `MDP should not committee a dumb action of ruinng the more important presidential election while trying to keep the mayoral post of Kwangju.`

These movements have come to be appeared in reaction to `Roh Moo-Hyun card` strategy formulated by MDP to overcome a political crisis as the party was disarrayed at an `anti-MDP` public opinion since the selection of former representative Park Kwang-Tae (North A district of Kwangju) as a party candidate for Kwangju mayoral post.

An official of a civic group said, `When Roh Wind, achieved with Kwangju citizens victory for abolishing corrupted politics and regional division scheme, takes a front seat in supporting corrupted politicians in Jeolla region, that would be a rewinding of history toward reverse direction,` and,`I advise candidate Roh not to commit a dumb action of facing egg throwers in Kwangju.` MDP side announced in the day, `Candidate Roh will visit Kwangju around June 9 and start to take part in support speeches on MDP candidates.`
