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IMF Forecasts World Economy to Grow 2.9 Percent

Posted April. 18, 2002 08:49,   


German economic daily newspaper Handelsblatt reported on the 17th that IMF estimated world economy growth rate at more increased level.

This newspaper said it procured `the report on world economy prospect, ` which International Monetary Fund (IMF) were going to announce on the 18th, and reported that IMF raised the estimated growth rate of the world economy to 2.9 percent this year, and 4.1 percent next year.

The report forecasted that America would mark the growth rate of 2.3 percent this year and 3.4 percent next year, and 12 Europe countries 1.4 percent this year and 2.9 percent next year. German economy, estimated the report, is likely to grow by 0.9 percent this year, and 2.7 percent next year.

IMF had forecasted in December last year that world economy would grow by 2.4 percent and U.S. economy by 0.7 percent.