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World Cup – Side Line

Posted April. 18, 2002 09:05,   


O··· The Korean national soccer team’s coach Guus Hiddink was worried after the morning training session on the 17th that “one of Japan-based players, Yoon Jung-Hwan, is to join the team late. If the worst happens, he can be a victim of FIFA’s regulations”.

Hiddink said, “Other Japan-based players are scheduled to join on the 21st, but Yoon’s team is only to release him on the 25th.” He also mentioned that “he wanted to work on Yoon’s stamina as soon as he arrives in Korea, because his technique is good but his stamina bad. But if the schedule runs like this, he may not even be in on the final entry for the World Cup”.

O··· Ahn Jung-Hwan (Perugia), who joined the Korean national soccer team at Deagu’s training camp on the 16th, showed strong determination for the Costa Rican match on the 20th.

“I have worked on the weaknesses pointed out by the press, so I will be able to show improvements during the evaluation match with Costa Rica. I’ll do my best, since this match is important not only for me personally, but also for the national team,” said Ahn after concluding the morning session at Suseong Stadium on the 17th.

Jong-Koo Yang yjongk@donga.com