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Searching Remote Controller Appeared

Posted March. 28, 2002 10:07,   


As numerous Internet sites are appearing, we cannot find out the information we want using just one searching site.

When we use several searching sites, we should repeatedly turn on and off sites one after another.

But we can avoid the complicated troublesome by using `voara.com (www.voara.com), ` at which one can simultaneously consult several searching sites.

When one enters the home page, there appears a small searching window on the upper right. After typing in searching tips in the put-in window, one can choose one site out of total 16 searching site appearing on the monitor. Double click on the chosen site will make the picture that the site found out appear.

When one wants to use another site, one can just make double clicks on another site that one wants. It is like a `remote controller for searching. ` If one pushes the enter key without choosing site after fill in a searching tip, the search results of Yahoo Korea appear.

When one choose English between Korean and English on the upper side of search window, 16 English searching sites appear. The same is the procedure.

Without visiting voara.com site, one can register this small search remote controller on the `favorites` in the explorer. The procedure for the register is introduced in the `direct registration on the explorer` - search window - home page.

When netizens want to find English words and technical terms of economy or information communication, they can use `one click dictionary (my.dreamwiz.com/pakcw)`.

When one click on the dictionaries arranged below the put-in window after typing in the searching tip in the put-in window on the left side of the screen, search results appear at the right window. Different from at the search remote controller of voara.com, one should not strike the enter key after typing in the searching word. One should select a dictionary.

Though they are not one-click services, information accumulating sites using robot program and synthetic link sites are worth recommending.

There are Jobmani (www.jobmani.com), which collected the information on recruit sites, Enuri (www.enuri.com), which shows the information on the sale prices of electronic goods in the Internet shopping malls, Dicmoa (www.dicmoa.com), which collected tens of dictionaries, and Newsstand (www.newsstand.co.kr), site for newspapers and magazines.

Ho-Won Choi bestiger@donga.com