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USFK Previously Noticed Construction of Apartment

Posted December. 11, 2001 09:19,   


The U.S. Forces in Korea (USFK) informed the Korean government in May this year concerning the construction of large apartment complex in the Yongsan camp.

The Defense Ministry, which repeated the principal position that "we were not informed about the plan and will decide whether to approve when an official request is made." cannot avoid criticisms on its attempt to escape from the public protest.

Park Chung-Shin, a director of the Military Installations Bureau, explained, "USFK informed its plan, in May, to construct 1606 apartments in the land of 8710 pyong in the Yongsan camp through 10 stages of construction to improve the living environment. Then, the Defense Ministry requested the USFK to make an official planning form for the detail construction plan by the SOFA regulations. About the final notice method, both sides are still negotiating."

The SOFA article 3-1 states that the joint committee of notice and negotiation should develop a form for the `first plan`. Therefore, the Defense Ministry proposed a form to USFK in mid July but had no response from it.

Director Park also explained in response to the rumor that the apartment construction was discussed in the ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) in Washington last month saying that, "Nothing about the apartment construction was discussed at the meeting. This construction project has nothing to do with the Land Partnership Plan."

Responding to the question as to how to deal with the issue, director Park answered, "When USFK requests for an official negotiation by the `first plan` the Defense Ministry will discuss about it with the local government."

Sung Dong-Ki esprit@donga.com