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Songnam Old City 73 Pyong Will Be under Redevelopment Next Year

Songnam Old City 73 Pyong Will Be under Redevelopment Next Year

Posted October. 24, 2001 08:50,   


Songnam city is likely to begin the full-fledge redevelopment on old city 73 pyong from next year.

Songnam city announced yesterday that it requested the Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MCT) to approve the basic redevelopment plan on dilapidated inferior residential area around Soojung-Gu and Jungwon-Gu. The MCT plans to approve the redevelopment project until the end of this year, through the consultation with the Central Committee for Urban Planning.

Songnam old city is a residential area formed by the government`s measure for the people expelled from Seoul city in 1969. Since most area constitute hills with over 5 degree slope, the living condition is very poor.

Songnam city government plans to divide this area into 20 districts and redevelop them by three-step plan. 14 districts including district 2 will employ `the restorative redevelopment method`, and 6 districts including Dandae district will apply `the removal redevelopment method`.

`The restorative redevelopment` is a method by which the local government establishes the public facilities such as road and drainage system, and the building owners decide the reconstruction of building according to the construction plan. On the other hand, `the removal redevelopment` refers to the method by which the project executioners such as redevelopment union removes the existing building and reconstruct the houses and the foundational facilities.

Songnam city plans to move the residents living in the removal redevelopment area to the rental apartments, which will be built in Pangyo new city, the areas released from development restriction policy, and the city-owned land in city.

Hwang Jae-Seong jsonhng@donga.com