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Internal Strife of MDP – Cheong Wa Dae Amplified

Posted August. 30, 2001 09:52,   


As Kim Joong-Kwon, titular head of the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP), strongly critiqued the Cheong Wa Dae secretarial staff yesterday following Tuesday, the internal strife between the ruling party and the government is being amplified.

In his meeting with reporters at the party office, Kim, titular head of the MDP, repeatedly criticized the Cheong Wa Dae secretarial staff following the previous day saying that ``some of the secretarial staffs have distorted my inmost heart accusing that it stemmed from my self-interest in the bye-election in the Guro-B district. Certain people began to disturb me since three months after my appointment to a titular head of the MDP.``

By pointing out Dongkyo-dong line people, such as `staffs affiliated with the party` and `a certain group within the party`, Kim said that ``I had to speak out the wrongdoings of the Cheong Wa Dae secretarial staff. Some of the staffs affiliated with the party make up the stories.``

Kim also said that ``some people try to push me away with self-interest. As a titular head, I proposed the reform of the party and the government. The time and rage of the reform is up to President.``

However, as his statement seemed to amplify the internal conflict, Kim began to soothe the stir announcing through spokesperson Jeon Yong-Hak that ``this is not a new story different from I mentioned at the press conference yesterday.``

Meanwhile, newly-elected 11 lawmakers, including Rep. Kim Sung-Ho, held a meeting Wednesday morning, and agreed to watch the situation a little longer since they have not grasped the real picture in relation to Kim`s incident.

Yoon Young-Chan yyc11@donga.com