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Teachers’ Maternity Leaves And Military Service To Be Fully Recognized

Teachers’ Maternity Leaves And Military Service To Be Fully Recognized

Posted July. 03, 2001 20:01,   


From the second half of this year, former military service period of male teachers will be fully recognized for a promotion evaluation for teachers of the elementary, middle, and high schools. And the period for maternity leaves given to female teachers will also be calculated as a part of educational activity.

Ministry of Education and Human Resources (MEHR) announced yesterday that the new `revised policy on promotion` for teachers will be effective from next week.

Thus far, the military service career served after appointment was fully recognized for the salary increase, and 80 percent when a male teacher served the military before his appointment. But from now on, all work experiences including before appointment will be fully acknowledged.

If a female teacher takes a maternity leave of maximum one year, it will be recognized as a continuation of service as well, and it will not be counted against the promotion evaluation.

Currently, other public employees benefit only 50 percent for their military service. If they take maternity leave, the period is not being counted as a continuation of service.

The MEHR also made it clear that the jurisdictional superintendents of education can give additional point for a promotion evaluation for teachers who work at isolated regions or who are excellent with their teaching performance, after-school activity supervising, or student guidance.

Lee In-Chul inchul@donga.com