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Korean soldiers missing in Vietnam War

Posted July. 27, 2000 20:31,   


On July 27, the Ministry of Defense disclosed its official position on claims that 9 South Korean soldiers missing in action during the Vietnam War were forcibly transported to North Korea, stating that out of the 6 Southern soldiers who disappeared at the time, 2 were confirmed to be living in the North.

The persons confirmed to be alive in North Korea by a related organization are staff sergeant Ahn Hak-soo, who belonged to the Construction Support Team of the Korean Military Headquarters in Vietnam, and Private 1st Class Park Sung-Yeol, who was a member of the Metropolitan Division. The men disappeared in September 1966 and November 1965, respectively.

The Ministry of Defense also disclosed that another Vietnam War soldier, Lieutenant Kim In-Sik, who disappeared in July 1971 and was presumed by the Agency for National Security Planning (the present National Intelligence Service) to be living in North Korea, was not likely there as his activities in thecountry were not confirmed.