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U. S.-North Korean Missile talks

Posted July. 10, 2000 15:48,   


The United States and North Korea will hold the fifth missile talks for three days beginning July 10 in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. In the first meeting since the inter-Korean summit, attention is paid to whether Pyongyang will come up with a conciliatory stance over the Korean and international security matters.

At the meeting between the North Korean delegation headed by Jang Chang-Chon, chief of American affairs at the North Korean Foreign Ministry and the U. S, delegation headed by Robert Einhorn, assistant secretary of state for non-proliferation, the two countries are scheduled to discuss the North missile export and the suspension of its long-range missile development.

The U. S, side is expected to put forward a plan to expand the scope of lifting its economic sanctions against Pyongyang and the increase in its food aide to the North in return for the North`s halt to the Second Taepodong Missile, assumed to be a long-range ballistic missile with a range of 6,000 km. On the other hand, the North is likely to show its willingness to discontinue missile development and exports, if the U. S. pays compensation for it.

Paik Kyung-Hak stern100@donga.com